Safety is an interaction between people’s actions and risk management

The fact that safety is an interaction between people’s actions and risk management is nothing new to anyone – especially not for us at Axelent. That’s why it is particularly important for us to share our knowledge about safety and, alongside this knowledge; To design, produce and pack thousands of products every day. Ship across the world so that everyone’s workplace can become a safe and secure place to be.


Everyone in the workplace should be aware of the risks that exist

Our safety culture means that everyone in the workplace is aware of the risks that exist, and that they have both the knowledge and the will to reduce them. It is crucial to work in a preventive manner with safety before an accident occurs. In order to create a safe workplace, it is essential for the technology and the physical working environment to be designed and adapted to the users, although human behavior also must be considered.

We work in a preventive manner with safety – Just give us a call and we’ll help you out!

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Prova Axelent Safety Book

Ottieni l'accesso ad un mondo di conoscenza: il fondamento del progresso, dell'innovazione e della sicurezza.

Conoscenza accessibile a tutti, la nostra missione è chiara: consentire a individui, industrie e luoghi di lavoro in tutto il mondo di trasformare i loro ambienti in spazi più intelligenti, sicuri ed efficienti. Che tu operi nel settore manifatturiero, edile o logistico, non importa dove ti trovi o cosa fai, meriti informazioni approfondite in grado di modellare il futuro della sicurezza e della produttività.