Risk Assessment – The Way You Do It Counts!

Risk assessment certainly is not among the most favorite tasks to be handled by developers and design engineers. But it is mandatory when it comes to designing safe products and justified CE Marking of machinery and practically any other product.


Some of the reasons why many technicians dislike the task are easy to understand:

  • Risk assessment often results in limits to the admissible uses of machinery. Safety measures almost always complicate access to machinery and cost cycle time. Additionally, they increase the cost of the machine. Risk assessment is thus perceived as an “anti-creativity” task – quite the opposite of what designers want to do.
  • Many designers still miss simple, logically structured, easy to learn risk assessment methods. At the end of the process, one is almost always uncertain: Have we overlooked or misjudged something?


Help on the way – We give you Axelent’s Risk Assessment Guide

To aid design departments with the transition to task-based risk assessment, Axelent provides the free brochure “Risk Assessment in Mechanical Engineering”. The brochure is an extract from the comprehensive book on risk assessment by our safety expert, Matthias Schulz, and outlines briefly in practical terms how to do task-based risk assessment. Additionally, customers can download a complete risk assessment example from our website. The brochure is available in five languages free of charge, while the book “Risk assessment in practice” is currently available in German only.

Download Axelent’s Risk Assessment Guide and get more info about safety issues on our Safety Hub!

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