
Self-closing swing gate

For Axelent X-Rail fall protection, we offer an adjustable-width gate with self-closing mechanism. It is meant to be installed in front of stairs or ladders leading onto a platform or walkway. Coming from the stair or ladder the operator pushes it open toward the platform. After passing the gate...

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CAD Articolo Descrizione Colore  
T01-50 X-Rail self-closing swing gate Giallo zinco (RAL 1018)

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Self-closing swing gate

Informazioni sui prodotti


Manuale di Installazione

X-Rail corrimano anti-caduta


X-Rail Corrimano anti-caduta - technical

Informazioni sui prodotti

X-Rail assembly guide

Manuale di Installazione

Informazioni sui prodotti

For Axelent X-Rail fall protection, we offer an adjustable-width gate with self-closing mechanism. It is meant to be installed in front of stairs or ladders leading onto a platform or walkway. Coming from the stair or ladder the operator pushes it open toward the platform. After passing the gate it softly closes and then serves as fall protection. The opening dimension can easily be adjusted between 690 and 1210 mm by means of telescoping bars. The gate is delivered complete and pre-assembled in a specially adapted packaging. It is easy to attach to the posts in the X-Rail range and can be used with right or left hinging.

The gate meets the requirements for use as fall protection. To attract attention and be clearly distinguishable from the guard railing, the gate is painted in a highlight colour. To prevent pinching,  infill pieces are available as accessories to create space between the gate and the guard railing, for example in connection in an internal corner.

Vedere il prodotto in Axelent Xperience
Contatto stampa
Davide Vezzoli
Davide Vezzoli

Axelent Italy

Manager Director

Nicole Randazzo
Nicole Randazzo

Axelent Italy

Gestione Clienti

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